Below are some of the most common Vehicle Registration and Titling requests and/or issues that we work with on an everyday basis; however we are educated and authorized by PennDOT to do so much more! If you are looking for something that is not explained here or you would like more details, please contact us at your convenience and we will be more than happy to assist you.
* Please note: We have done our best to explain our services and what is required in detail, however as everything in life, every service/situation has different requirements; therefore further documentation or representation may be needed!
We provide ONLINE PennDot title services:
A certificate of title is the proof of ownership to a motor vehicle in the state of Pennsylvania.
When you purchase a new motor vehicle, bring a motor vehicle into the state, or at any time the ownership of the motor vehicle changes, you must transfer ownership into your name.
The following is needed to complete the transfer:
- For Seller:
– Original PA title
– Proof of ID (valid PA driver’s license or PA Photo ID card)
- For Buyer:
– Proof of ID (valid PA driver’s license or PA Photo ID card)
– Proof of Insurance (must be current and match driver license address)
– Purchase price & mileage
– Registration information if transferring your license plate
Duplicate title requests are processed immediately and mailed to you in 3-5 weeks. All parties on the original title (or current registration card as it is the same) must be present with PA driver’s licenses for processing. Please be sure to bring the VIN number or other identifying information (registration/insurance card).
If you are purchasing a vehicle which was involved in a total loss, you will need to get a Salvage title along with form 426B (Application for Reconstructed, Specially Constructed, Collectable, Modified, Flood, Theft Vehicles, Street Rods) filled by an authorized mechanic to apply for a reconstructed title. We can help you with the entire process. Please call our office or stop by.
So if you decided to move to Pennsylvania. Welcome!
But what do you need to do?
If coming from out of state and moving into the area, in order to get your car registered you must have the title in hand. If you are still making payments on a vehicle and your bank is holding the title, stop in to complete an out of state title request form (no charge) (please bring the following information – Name of financial institution, account number, VIN number, fax number for the title department of the financial institution) or please fill out this form:
And we’ll take care of getting the title from your bank. Once we receive your title, we will call you to complete the transfer. Should the vehicle you are bringing into PA be less than 6 months old, you will need to provide a notarized statement from the dealer indicating sales tax was paid to the previous state.
Any NON Pennsylvania title requires a tracing or verification of the VIN Number
If your vehicle is currently registered, and you need to correct vehicle information, such as the make, model year, number of doors, body type/descriptions, weight, etc., bring the title certificate, proof of your identity and proof of the correct information and we will help you.
Out Of State Titles
Please bring the following to complete your transfer from another state to Pennsylvania:
– Original title
– Proof of ID (valid PA driver’s license with current address)
– Proof of Insurance (must be current and match driver’s license address)
– Vehicle in order to verify VIN (or a VIN tracing)
Business titles: we require proof of your position with the company (not a business card). In addition, if the owner is sending an employee to complete the transfer, we require a notarized letter (on company letterhead) giving authority to the employee, signed by the owner (Pres, VP, CEO, CFO).
Vehicle registration
Motor vehicles, mobile homes and trailers are issued registrations to prove that license taxes and fees for the current registration period have been paid.
PA TAGS ETC INC can replace lost registration cards and license plates on the spot. You will need to bring your current PA driver’s license and either a license plate number or VIN for the vehicle. Specific to a lost license plate: all individuals who appear on the registration card need to be present with current PA driver’s licenses.
PA TAGS ETC INC can replace lost registration cards and license plates on the spot. You will need to bring your current PA driver’s license and either a license plate number or VIN for the vehicle. Specific to a lost license plate: all individuals who appear on the registration card need to be present with current PA driver’s licenses.
Moved??? PA TAGS ETC INC is able to change your address for your registration card(s) immediately. Remember to bring current PA driver’s license.
Classic and Antique registration is an attractive option for people that want to save money on their restored or all original cars in good condition. The registration is permanent. It costs more than a regular registration but if you own the car a few years, you will save money.
Antique Motor Vehicle – A motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured more than 25 years prior to the current year which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformance with manufacturer specifications.
Classic Motor Vehicle – A motor vehicle, but not a reproduction thereof, manufactured at least 15 years prior to the current year which has been maintained in or restored to a condition which is substantially in conformity with manufacturer specifications and appearance.
Order special plates
Order disabilities plates
Парковка для Инвалидов
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania offers special parking privileges for individuals with certain disabilities. Let us help you get a Parking Placard or Disability Registration Plate!
Disability Parking Placards are issued to disabled persons for their use in any vehicle being operated exclusively by or for the benefit of the person with the disability and is only to be used when that person is actually being transported in the vehicle.
The following is needed to apply for a Parking Placard:
– * Signed off and approved by an authorized Health Care Provider or Police Officer.
– * The authorized Health Care Provider or Police Officer’s approval needs to be legible.
– Valid PA Driver’s License or valid PA Photo ID.
– * If the application has not yet been notarized
Disability Registration Plates are assigned to a vehicle record and therefore the disabled person must be listed on the vehicle record as a registrant.
– NOTE: If you are the parent or the adult charged by law with the natural parent’s rights, duties and responsibilities acting on behalf of a minor child (under 18) in place of the child’s natural parents, you must be the person listed on the vehicle record as a registrant.
The person applying for the Registration Plate will need to come into our office with the following:
– * Signed off and approved by an authorized Health Care Provider or Police Officer.
– * The authorized Health Care Provider or Police Officer’s approval needs to be legible.
- Your valid PA Driver’s License or valid PA Photo ID.
- The registration card to the vehicle that you are requesting the plate for.
Disabled Veteran Registration Plates are issued to individuals who have any percentage service-connected disability, certified by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh) or service unit in which the veteran served.
There are NO Parking Privileges given with this plate.
The person applying for the Registration Plate will need to come into our office with the following:
– * Signed off and approved by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh).
– * The approval needs to be legible.
- Your valid PA Driver’s License or valid PA Photo ID.
- The registration card to the vehicle that you are requesting the plate for.
Severely Disabled Veteran Registration Plates are issued to individuals who have a 100 percent service-connected disability, certified by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh) or service unit in which the veteran served.
The person applying for the Registration Plate will need to come into our office with the following:
– * Signed off and approved by a Veterans Administration regional office administrator (Philadelphia or Pittsburgh).
– * The approval needs to be legible.
- Your valid PA Driver’s License or valid PA Photo ID.
- The registration card to the vehicle that you are requesting the plate for.